Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции.Итоговый тест+компетентностный тест Синергия/МТИ 2025г.  

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Сдано в 2025году. Скриншоты с отметками прилагаются к работе.

ИТОГОВЫЙ ТЕСТ - Верно 27 из 30 вопросов.

КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТНЫЙ ТЕСТ - Верно 10 из 10 вопросов.

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1   The foundation of the common law system in England took shape in ...

2   "Magna Carta" literally means ...

3   … is a customary practice that evolves into societal norms over time.

4   … is a pivotal document from 1215 that limited the monarch's power and set the stage for individual rights and freedoms.

5   The following country primarily follows a civil law system:

6   The … decided to postpone the hearing until next week for more preparation.

7   The … found at the scene helped the police solve the mystery quickly.

8   Match the words with their definitions:

9   Connect the countries with their legal systems:

10   The correct order of events in a typical criminal trial is ...

11   The branch of law that regulates relationships between different government branches is ...

12   Match the areas of law with their definitions:

13   Match the terms with their definitions:

14   Put the stages of criminal proceedings in the correct order:

15   Find a pair to make collocations:

16   Barristers are known to be specialists in ...

17   The highest court in the United States is the … Court.

18   Most civil cases are usually considered in ...

19   There are … and criminal courts within the English legal system.

20   Put the steps of the judicial process in the correct order

21   The document used by a claimant to start legal action against the defendant is called a …

22   Put the following steps in the correct order:

23   In a tort case, the usual remedies available to the claimant are ...

24   A … is a civil wrong that causes harm or loss to another person.

25   Put the following steps in the correct order for filing a tort lawsuit:

26   The tort of libel refers to ...

27   Vicarious liability allows ...

28   An example of a statutory tort is ...

29   Statutory torts are those that come from … , where the breach of duty is defined in legal code.

30   … covers attacks against someone's reputation through the written or spoken word.



1   Read the dialogue and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Samantha: Hey Josh, what are you studying for your law exam?

Josh: Oh, just the usual. Legal ethics and administrative law.

Samantha: Ugh, I hate that stuff. So many rules to remember.

Josh: Tell me about it. And then there's comparative law on top of that.

Samantha: Comparative law? What's that again?

Josh: It's a comparison between different legal systems around the world. Like Chinese law, Islamic law, Jewish law, just to name a few.

Samantha: Wow, that sounds complicated. How do you keep all of that straight?

Josh: Well, thank goodness for my study group. We discuss and quiz each other on different types of laws and their applications.

Samantha: Oh yeah, I remember now. And don't forget about international law.

Josh: Right. That includes laws related to the United Nations, like treaties and human rights issues.

Samantha: Man, being a lawyer is not easy.

Josh: No kidding. But it's also fascinating to see how different societies have developed their own sets of laws.

Samantha: True. And the way those laws intersect with politics, social justice, and even war.

Josh: Exactly. There's so much to learn and explore in the field of law.

Question: According to the conversation, what helps Josh keep track of the different types of laws?

2   Read the text below and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Text: Maria is a law student studying different legal systems around the world. In her recent class, the professor asked the students to identify the two main traditions of law. Maria is confused and wants to ensure she understands the differences between Common Law and Continental Law.

Question: Which of the following statements correctly identifies the two main traditions of law in the world?

3   Read the text below and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Text: John is preparing for his final exam in his law course. He comes across a scenario where a country is involved in a dispute with another nation regarding trade regulations. He needs to determine which area of law primarily governs this situation.

Question: Which area of law is most relevant to the dispute between the two nations regarding trade regulations?

4   Read the dialogue and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Lila: Have you read the new law passed by Congress last week? It's about regulating environmental pollution.

Mark: No, I haven't. How is it different from the current regulations?

Lila: Well, it gives more power to federal agencies in enforcing and monitoring compliance with environmental laws. And it also imposes stricter penalties for violations.

Mark: That sounds like a good step towards protecting our environment. But what about local laws? Do they have any impact on this issue?

Lila: Yes, definitely. Each state has its own set of environmental laws that are tailored to their specific needs and challenges.

Mark: Right, I remember learning about that in my Environmental Law class. So even if there are national laws in place, local governments can create additional regulations?

Lila: Exactly. They can provide more detailed rules that cater to the particular needs of the community. And these local laws must comply with both state and federal laws.

Mark: Interesting. These different levels of laws can get quite complex.

Lila: Definitely. And it reflects the unique history, culture, values, and political institutions of each sovereign state. That's why we have diverse legal systems around the world.

Mark: Yeah, I never realized how vast and intricate the field of law is.

Lila: It sure is. And keeping up with all the changes and developments is no easy task.

Mark: You're right about that. Thanks for explaining everything to me, Lila. I really appreciate it.

Lila: Anytime, Mark. That's what friends are for!

Question: According to Lila, why do we have diverse legal systems around the world?

5   Read the dialogue and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

John: So, Sarah... When did you decide to become a lawyer?

Sarah: I've always been interested in the legal profession since I was young. My parents were lawyers too.

John: Wow, really? Did they work together or something?

Sarah: No, but they both inspired me to choose this career path.

John: That's cool. I can barely remember when I decided what I wanted to do with my life.

Sarah: It definitely wasn't an overnight decision for me either. It took years of hard work and studying to get where I am now.

John: Yeah, that's why I never pursued law. Too much reading and memorization.

Sarah: It's not just about memorizing laws and statutes. You have to be able to think critically and analyze information from different perspectives.

John: True, true. And how long have you been a practicing attorney?

Sarah: For about five years now. I started as a paralegal before taking the bar exam.

John: That must have been tough. The bar exam is known to be quite challenging.

Sarah: Oh, it definitely was. But it was worth it in the end. What about you? How long have you been working at your law firm?

John: Just a year, but I already feel like I'm learning so much from everyone here.

Sarah: That's great to hear. Law is an ever-changing field, so we never stop learning.

John: Yeah, I love that aspect of it. Always something new to discover.

Sarah: Absolutely. And speaking of learning, I have a case tomorrow morning that I need to prepare for. I should probably head out soon.

John: Of course. Good luck with your case!

Sarah: Thanks. Have a good evening, John!

Question: How long has Sarah been a practicing attorney?

6   Read the dialogue and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Judge Smith: The defendant, Mark Jones, is accused of robbery with violence and possession of a dangerous weapon. How does he plead?

Mark's Lawyer: Not guilty, your honor. My client had no part in the crime that occurred on the night of May 17th. We have evidence to prove his innocence.

Prosecution Lawyer: Your honor, we have witnesses who saw Mr. Jones at the scene of the crime and DNA evidence linking him to the weapon used.

Judge Smith: Interesting. Let us hear from the witnesses then.

Witness 1: Yes, I saw the defendant wearing a black hoodie and holding a knife as he threatened the victim for her purse.

Witness 2: And I remember seeing him run away from the scene with another person. They both had masks on.

Judge Smith: Thank you for your testimonies. Are there any other pieces of evidence?

Prosecution Lawyer: As mentioned earlier, DNA evidence has been found on the weapon that matches the defendant's.

Mark's Lawyer: Your honor, our client works as a chef and it's possible that his DNA was transferred onto the weapon innocently while working in the kitchen. He had no motive or reason to commit this crime.

Judge Smith: I see. Bailiff, please bring in the forensic report. It appears that the DNA evidence could have been innocently transferred. Therefore, I'm declaring the defendant, Mark Jones, not guilty. This court is adjourned.

Question: What crimes is Mark Jones accused of?

7   Read the text below and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Text: Emily is a law student who has just completed a module on the initiation of legal actions in England and Wales. She is particularly interested in understanding the differences between starting a civil action and starting a criminal action. After reviewing her notes, she comes across the following statements regarding the processes involved.

Question: In England and Wales, which document is typically used to initiate a civil action in the High Court or County Court?

8   Read the dialogue and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Mike: Hey, Karen! What are you studying now?

Karen: Law. The law of tort to be specific.

Mike: Sounds boring.

Karen: Well, maybe it's not the most thrilling subject, but it's important in understanding legal responsibility for harm caused by one person to another.

Mike: Like, if someone slips and falls on your property and gets injured?

Karen: Yes, that would fall under negligence, a type of tort. It involves proving that someone failed to take reasonable care and caused harm as a result.

Mike: So if I spill coffee all over my neighbor's expensive couch, could they sue me for damages?

Karen: Absolutely. That would be an intentional tort, where someone deliberately causes harm or damage to another person or their property.

Mike: Wow. You really know your stuff.

Karen: Thanks. I find it interesting how complex and varied the laws of tort can be.

Mike: Do you think you'll specialize in this area after law school?

Karen: Maybe. But there are also other areas of law that interest me too, so I'm still keeping my options open.

Mike: Well, whatever you decide, I have no doubt you're going to make a great lawyer. Now let's go grab some lunch before my stomach commits an intentional tort against me.

Karen: Haha, sounds good. Let's go!

Question: How does Karen feel about specializing in tort law after law school?

9   Read the text below and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Text: James owns a small bakery in a residential neighborhood. One day, he decides to install an outdoor seating area for customers. To create the seating area, he places several tables and chairs on the sidewalk directly outside his shop. However, James does not leave enough space for pedestrians to pass comfortably. A neighbor, Sarah, complains that she has to walk into the street to get around the seating area, which is dangerous, especially with heavy traffic. After a few weeks, Sarah trips over one of the chairs that has been pushed out onto the sidewalk and injures her ankle. She decides to take legal action against James.

Question: What legal principle is primarily at play in Sarah's case when she decides to sue James for her injury?

10   Read the dialogue and answer the question. There's only one correct answer.

Kelly: Wow, that's a lot of information on tort law. Did you understand all of it?

Mark: Honestly, most of it went over my head. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the concept of negligence.

Kelly: I remember studying this in college. Negligence is when someone breaches their duty of care and causes harm to another person, right?

Mark: Yeah, that sounds about right. But there are also certain defenses available in cases of negligence. Like for psychiatric injury or economic loss.

Kelly: Wait, so can anyone sue for those things under the premise of negligence?

Mark: Not necessarily. The courts use a three-step test to determine if there is a duty of care owed by the defendant to the victim.

Kelly: Ah, I see. So basically, the first step is proving that the harm was reasonably foreseeable?

Mark: Exactly. And then the second step looks at the relationship between the two parties - whether it's one of proximity or not.

Kelly: And finally, the third step considers if it would be fair and just to hold the defendant liable for their actions.

Mark: Right. It seems like the case of Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman was a turning point in establishing this threefold test.

Kelly: Yeah, it definitely set a precedent. But I can imagine it must have been challenging determining liability in a complex situation like that.

Mark: Definitely. And with the ever-changing laws and legal systems, it's important to constantly stay informed and educated.

Question: What are some defenses available in cases of negligence?