Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.Тест Синергия/МТИ 2024г (97 баллов)  

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  • Год: 2024
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  • Размер: 226.3Kb
В корзину

1    Choose the right ending of the sentence
General agents have …
2    Agency of necessity can arise on condition that …
3    A consent of the principal …
4    Contracts for the sale of goods include …
5    Fiduciary duties are owed …
6    Fiduciary duties of employees are implied into a contract of employment …
7    The rights of inheritance are unrestricted in case of …
8    Leasehold estate which incudes the renewable yearly lease is …
9    Things which are capable of physical possession are uncluded into …
10    Choses capable of negotiation are classified as negotiable instruments and include …
11    The mortgagor may create …
12    When the land is owned by a company, …
13    A mortgage is void against a subsequent purchaser …
14    Legal rights attach to…
15    The East India Company was created…
16    Sole trader…
17    Partnership can be set up between persons carrying on a business…
18    Private limited companies cannot raise money…
19    Public limited companies can have…
20    Directors of a public company can be appointed…
21    A director of a public company can be disqualified…
22    The secretary of a private company…
23    If a minority shareholder does not agree with the majority…
24    The Department of Trade and Industry may appoint inspectors…
25    Preference shareholders have the right…
26    A shareholder of a public company can sell his shares freely…
27    A holder of bearer shares becomes a member of the company…
28    The Register of the Company must be kept…
29    Supervising trading practices is one of the main duties of…
30    A bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain…